paper sculptures

Celui qui se dresse contre les vents

paper, sand, pigments, env 50cm high

These sculptures are a 3 dimensions traduction of the series of drawings "Du Plus Profond", as an attempt to give life, shape, material and color to those deep emotions.

Made from a mixture of paper, sand and plaster on light metallic structure, their aspect is raw, close to stone even if lighter, and combine an impression of solid and very fragile. The very mat aspect of its surface evokes for me a deaf and heavy sound, the sound those hidden emotions could make.

celui qui donne naissance

paper, sand, pigments, env 20cm high

trois parmi d'autres

paper, sand, pigments, env 50cm high

le repos

paper, sand, pigments, env 50 cm high

paper sculpture
paper sculpture
Le rocher qui a tout vu

paper, sand, pigments, env 40cm high